Archway Market now three days with 25 stalls after Islington planning decision

Archway Market. Photograph: Islington Council
A new street market near Archway tube station will now open three days a week after a decision by Islington planning chiefs.
Archway Market received planning permission at Tuesday’s (19 June) planning sub-committee meeting to set up 14 gazebos containing 25 stalls.
The stalls will be trading every Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday from 8am to 8pm, with the structures set up and removed at the start and end of each day.
A report for the meeting said the market, which moved to the new pedestrian area near Archway Tavern in December to escape construction works on Holloway Road, will “enliven and enhance” Archway town centre.
The council report said: “The proposal for a market, including up to 25 stalls is considered to enliven and enhance the Archway Town centre, contributing to vitality and vibrancy of the area.

The market has permission to set up 25 stalls. Photograph: Islington Council
“The visual disruption caused to the open square, conservation area and locally listed buildings is considered to be outweighed by the market’s contribution the character and distinctiveness of the area.
“Subject to conditions to mitigate noise, there is considered to be no unacceptable adverse impact on the living conditions of adjacent occupiers, in terms of transport and servicing the proposal is not considered to have an adverse impact on the local highway network.”
It concludes: “In accordance with the above assessment, it is considered that the proposed development is consistent with the policies of the London Plan, the Islington Core Strategy, the Islington Development Plan and associated Supplementary Planning Documents and should be approved accordingly.”