Byron in Cowcross Street seeks late licence – but residents warn of ‘nail in coffin’ for quiet nights

Byron in Cowcross Street, Islington, wants to stay open later. Photograph: Google Maps
Burger chain Byron’s restaurant in Farringdon is looking to stay open later and sell alcohol until midnight – but some residents oppose the move, with one calling the plans “the nail in the coffin” for a “decent night’s sleep”.
Byron on Cowcross Street, near Farringdon station, wants to extend its closing time from 11.30pm to half past 12 and sell alcohol until midnight every night.
The burger chain – owned by London private equity firm Hutton Collins Partners – will have its application voted on by Islington Council’s licensing sub-committee D tonight at the Town Hall.
But residents have voiced opposition to the plans in submissions to the council’s licensing service, complaining of noise and accusing Byron of “putting profits before people”.
Their names and addresses were redacted in the council’s report.
“In an area filled with bars and pubs, it is in fact Byron that gives us some of the worst disruption”, said one resident.
“Their kitchen fans stay on well into the night and they often drag their outdoor seating at 11 or 11.30pm across the ground.”
They added: “By serving until midnight Byron is clearly trying to target drunk people passing by who already often enter the courtyard to drink, shout and sometimes fight.
“Allowing this licence will surely be the nail in the coffin to any hope of a decent night’s sleep.
“This application is unnecessary and almost insulting, a classic case of big business putting it’s profits before people.”
Another resident said: “There is a large piazza directly by this Byron where people gather late at night.
“So why is it helpful to let Byron now open until midnight or 12.30 seven days a week – why no ‘public awareness’ of residents trying to sleep immediately above and surrounding it?”